by Jerry Peck - Codeman on Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:02 pm
Ah, now I understand what you are asking.
If ... that big IF ... the building was subject to the Accessibility Code, then there are specific requirements which apply to changes in elevation such as you describe, as well as all other changes in elevation, but in a residence ... none apply.
If under the Accessibility Code, a 1/4" maximum vertical change in level (elevation) is allowed. A change in level greater than 1/4" requires a slope beginning at that 1/4" height point with the slope being 1/2 (i.e., one unit vertical in two units horizonal, or 1/4" vertical rise in 1/2" horizontal run) for changes up to 1/2".
- 303.3Beveled.
- - Changes in level between 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) high minimum and 1/2 inch (13 mm) high maximum shall be beveled with a slope not steeper than 1:2 ,,,
For changes in level greater than 1/2" a ramp is required ...
- 303.4 Ramps.
- - Changes in level greater than 1/2 inch (13 mm) high shall be ramped, and shall comply with 405 or 406.
Also keep this in mind:
"This is an old house 1925."
When was the plywood put down? When that work was done, that is the code which applies, not a 1925 code for the original construction, but the code in effect at the time the work was done.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired