Where to begin. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. We have had the misfortune of working with a contractor who is working on a multi-family affordable housing project. The workmanship is subpar. Issues experienced
1) beams on the front of a duplex that hold up porch overhangs are out of level. These beams affect the positioning of the outlooks. These lookouts are out of level and out of alinement.
2)The porch overhangs also does not plan out with the truss system above. The truss system is framed at one pitch and the rafters over the porch at another. These should be framed at the same pitch.
3) The builder refuses to install framing members on a consistent layout across the building system
4) The builder installs OSB or plywood as shims on point load beams and posts
5)The builder installs TJI's as a rim joist
6)The builder installs floor systems without a sill plat.
7) Majority of trim studs are installed short of their header.
8) Installed foundation waterproofing incorrectly and then backfilled the foundation
9) Installed wall systems between 1.5" to 3/8" out of plumb
10) Installed trusses that do not align on the top plates
11) Installed a floor system that was 3" out of level
12) Poured foundations 3 inches out of level and 1.5 inches out of plumb.
When told to repair these issues they say the code does not require this. How would you respond to this question? Thanks.