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New Construction Straps

New Construction Straps

New postby Timham on Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:02 am

Good morning Mr Peck,

I would like your opinion on the fact that a new, 2 story SFH has double straps across the front tie beam only.
The three remaining sides have only single straps.
The builder (D.R Horton) does NOT have plans on site and recommends my client go to Dade County B&Z for his own copy!

I feel this is a blatant defect. What are the chances of any design with two different types of straps at the same location?

Thanks Jerry!

Merry Christmas and have a happy and healthy New Year.
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Re: New Construction Straps

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:36 am


First, the plans should be on-site ... how else will the contractors (the main contractor and all the sub contractors) know what is supposed to be being constructed, and how are the inspectors to know what to inspect for?

- From the 2014 FBC-Building (and Residential as both use the same Chapter 1, Administrative). (underlining and bold are mine)
- - [A] 107.3.1 Approval of construction documents.
- - - When the building official issues a permit, the construction documents shall be approved, in writing or by stamp, as “Reviewed for Code Compliance.” One set of construction documents so reviewed shall be retained by the building official. The other set shall be returned to the applicant, shall be kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by the building official or a duly authorized representative.

The key part is the underlined "shall be kept at the site of work", and on subdivision projects with on-site construction trailers where the superintendents office is, the construction documents are typically allowed to be kept there ... otherwise at the actual "site of the work".

The next key part is the bold part. To me, that part of the code is stated wrong as it should be available to all persons addressing the work (that officially makes it a requirement to be available to all contractors, subcontractors, and their workers and employees, etc.

It is unlikely that the designer used two straps in one location and one strap in another location, albeit that is possible with different loads or different straps, however, that raises the probability of the workers installing the wrong straps at the wrong locations (which is a good reason to keep the strapping simple).

It is quite possible that: the wrong straps were used so more straps were added; the straps were installed wrong so more straps were added; that two straps are required at other locations; that all the strapping is wrong; or that it might actually be correct (although that is unlikely).

Are the trusses loaded more heavily at that area? I.e., do those trusses carry other trusses, where the areas with one strap have trusses which only carry themselves? Unlikely, but possible, that something like that could have been in the truss design - I say "unlikely" because it is "unlikely" that "all" the trusses in one area would carry other trusses, usually that affects only one or two trusses in an area.

And, yes, it is always best for the customer to have their own set of plans, which typically means visiting the building department, requesting a copy of the plans, and pay the fee for the copy. This could probably be done with an email and not actually having to go to the building department - the email serves as a written public records request (phone calls do not). Some places have their own form which they want use, have them email that to you or the owner, send that back in. I find that email works the best ... no going to the building department and waiting in line, email your request, they send you an email back verifying the request and the $$$ amount, pay with a credit card, and then the records are mailed out on CD. Who wants all those large sheets of paper anyway?

Happy Holidays.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired
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