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What is actually consider a Bus or Busway

What is actually consider a Bus or Busway

New postby JohnSTI on Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:41 am

In trying to interpret the understanding of using Flex Cord drops I continually run across the term 'Bus" or Busway". My understanding of these terms are to be related with "multiples" runs within a group such as in a tray (open or closed) not an individual run.
for example;
Branches from busways shall be permitted to be made in accordance with 368.56(A),(B),and(C).
368.56(B)(2) notes that for industrial installations with qualified personnel, it is permitted to install a flexible cable drop that is connected without an attachment plug, with no length limitation from the busway plug-in device to the tension take-up support, provided the cable is supported at intervals not exceeding 8 ft.

What I'm trying to resolve is I have a circuit coming from a Main Panel box the is in metal conduit, running up and across the ceiling stops over a machine where it ends with a square electrical box or gang box if you will. Then a Flex cord drops down to the machine and the machine plugs into the drop end.

My question is... "Is the span of conduit along with the electrical box considered a "Bus" or "Busway""? So that I know to apply any mentioned "Bus" or "Busway" requirements in the code to these components.

Thanks guys
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Re: What is actually consider a Bus or Busway

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:54 pm

Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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