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Underground Wiring Unreasonable Regulation?

Underground Wiring Unreasonable Regulation?

New postby sefnfot on Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:11 pm

I had a water heater burst and caused me to gut 2 apartments to studs.
In Santa Monica.
8 unit apartment with rent control.
Edison is the power company.
I am being told by the contractor that the job will require updating the main electrical panel that supplies all 8 units.
Then this will require running the new line underground instead of overhead.
the problem is that I do not have any space from the pole to the building. There is a 6-car garage that spans the entire width of the property.

1 Where do i look up the regulations for underground wiring requirements (CPUC?) ?
2 are there any variances for this scope of job? ( I had a variance a few years ago that didn't require me to install earthquake gas shut off valves since the cost would exceed a percentage of the project costs).
3 is the underground wiring reasonable since there it will require me to run a trench under an existing building?
4 Is it a grandfathered situation?
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Re: Underground Wiring Unreasonable Regulation?

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:04 pm

I'm going to contact my person in California who knows the California codes better than I do, but there will likely also be local code differences which may apply.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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Re: Underground Wiring Unreasonable Regulation?

New postby GunnarAlquist on Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:03 pm

Hi sefnfot,

This does not sound reasonable or like an electrical code or building code issue. I agree with Jerry, it smells like it might be a local Santa Monica requirement. Many communities are pushing to get utilities underground and this may be how they plan to achieve this.

It will take me a little time to do some research. In the meanwhile, can you ask your contractor for documentation on this requirement? What is his source of information and what code or ordinance has this?

Also, what brand of electrical service equipment (main panel) is present at the building? It might be that the city is pushing to replace old/obsolite equipment.

That would help narrow my search.
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Re: Underground Wiring Unreasonable Regulation?

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:13 pm

After searching for an applicable code or local ordinance ... I absolutely agree with what Gunnar suggested: "ask your contractor for documentation on this requirement", have the contractor provide "his source of information and what code or ordinance" the contractor is referencing.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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Re: Underground Wiring Unreasonable Regulation?

New postby GunnarAlquist on Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:05 am

Hi sefnfot,

I find that I have insufficient information regarding the corrective work you are doing. But, in addition, I live in Northern California and am not familiar with requirements in Santa Monca. I do know that S.M. is working to push renewable energy (solar, etc.) and may also be trying to encourage (force?) moving to underground utilities.

It seems to me that if the electrical service equipment was damaged concurrently with the apartments, and the building department or the fire department believes the current electrical service equipment to be hazardous, then they may require underground as a part of replacement.

I still believe the only way you are going to get a clear answer is by getting it from the source. Get the contractor to give you the information. There may well be a variance or exception available.
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