by rcwaszak on Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:57 am
(RC, I apologize for messing your post up, I thought I was quoting your post for my post below and some how got into the edit mode from being the administrator. My apologies. Below is what I quoted, the rest I inadvertently deleted as I thought I was making a new post in response.
Yikes! Again, I apologize.
If you would, click on edit and correct as much of the information below as you can remember. In the process of my error I deleted your city, but I remember you were in Colorado.)
I believe the plans show the ceiling being one-hour fire-rated; would non-enclosed, "air-tight" cans satisfy that requirement?
I've looked at the architect plans for this place and they call for the standard one vent high, one vent low (both through the roof) in the confined space of the water heater closet.
However, I have seen code references (via web searches) regarding a single high vent terminated in a ventilated attic space.
Is a builder required to meet all requirements specified on the architect's drawings or can the builder make modifications as long as the various local codes are met?