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Condensate disposal

Condensate disposal

New postby bigdog on Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:30 pm

Hi Jerry Happy New Year,
I can't seem to find the code section prohibiting condensate from a residential air handler going directly into the house drainage system. Have I been dreaming or has that changed. I can't find it in mechanical, plumbing or residential.

David McCabe
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Re: Condensate disposal

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:47 pm


'Tis the New Year alright so have a Happy New Year too.

There is no specific prohibition against having air conditioning condensate being directly connected into the sanity waste/sewer system, only that the condensate be disposed of to an "approved" place of disposal (i.e., the AHJ "approves" such places).

However, if the condensate drain is directly, or indirectly, connected into the sanitary sewer system, then the size of that piping needs to include the additional drainage fixture units for that condensate discharge (and that was most likely not done).
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
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