by Jerry Peck - Codeman on Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:25 pm
Stainless steel pool stairs (ladders) are typically finished in a brushed look. This, I suspect, is mainly to make cleaning easier so the scrubbing marks of cleaning do not show as much as the scrubbing marks would on a polished surface.
I have not been able to find any requirements for a specifically required slip resistant finish. One could emboss a knurled finish into the stainless steel to help with slip resistance, however, if the knurled pattern were to result in any sharp edges or damage the skin of a bather, especially younger children, I suspect that an attorney's letter demanding compensation (and we must not forget - attorney's fees) for the injured party.
I also have not found where such a finish as "Non-Slip, like an epoxy, rubber, etc" is prohibited either, other than the requirements that it be smooth and not cause injury, and any peeling, chipping, etc., surface could lead to causing injury.
With regard to "UV Protection, Chemical Resistant", stainless steel does not require UV protection (however, a coating on the stainless steel might require such protection), and stainless steel is, by and large, corrosion resistant - depending on the type of stainless steel used. The higher the chromium content in the stainless steel, the greater the level of corrosion resistance the stainless steel has, however, the higher the chromium content, the more costly the stainless steel, also, somewhere around 18%-20% or so greater chromium content, the increased cost for a higher chromium content does not produce much greater corrosion resistance (based on what I have read and found). It becomes a budget issue as to how much more corrosion resistance one wants above that 18%-20% level.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired