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Fire caulk on rated walls

Fire caulk on rated walls

New postby CoryBrit on Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:34 pm

I have a question with the International Code Council 2012 building code.

Section 2508.3 states: Edges and ends of gypsum board shall be in moderate contact except in concealed spaces where fire-resistance-rated construction, shear resistance or diaphragm action is not required.
Our inspector is reading this as any gap in the sheetrock larger than 1/8” must be injected with HILTI fire caulk on any rated and load bearing walls.

Section 2508.4 states: Gypsum board fire-resistance-rated assemblies shall have joints and fasteners treated. (it does not say what the joints are to be treated with)

Exception: Joint and fastener treatment need not be provided where any of the following conditions occur:
1. Where the gypsum board is to receive a decorative finish such as wood paneling, battens, acoustical finishes or any similar application that would be equivalent to joint treatment.
2. On single-layer systems where joints occur over wood framing members.
3. Square edge or tongue-and-groove edge gypsum board (V-edge), gypsum backing board or gypsum sheathing.
4. On multilayer systems where the joints of adjacent layers are offset from one to another.
5. Assemblies tested without joint treatment.

My questions are:
Is fire caulking required along all perimeter edges of the lids, first and second layer, on any gaps more than 1/8”?
Is fire caulking required on all rated perimeter walls with gaps larger than 1/8”?
Is fire caulking required on boxes over-zipped on the lid or walls?
If yes on any of the above, will fire tape be sufficient on any of the above mentioned areas?
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Re: Fire caulk on rated walls

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:58 pm


I am travelling and am trying to get some updated information to answer your question as to the current requirements.

From your description, no, fire caulk is not required as you described - it may be one option, but not a requirement.

Drywall compound may, to my knowledge, be used to achieve the same filling of the joints requirement - that is one of the things I am verifying.

Hopefully, I will have a more complete answer tomorrow.

Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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Re: Fire caulk on rated walls

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:49 pm

Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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