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Cut Trusses

Cut Trusses

New postby rmltampa on Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:23 pm

Our home was rebuilt folloing a fire. We hve discvered numerous violtion sine returning. Two have me very concerned. We have nearly a dozen russes thathve bee cut/shaved from 2x4 to as liitle as 2x2 some of a span of nearly 20'. Besides being unsound, in my opinion, the repair we are being offered is to add additionl 2x4s over the cut spans with double row of nails 6" oc. I dont see how they can do this since there is not a full 4" (or 3 1/2) to get bot rows of nails. Not to mention the fact that when we prepare to sale all the extra lumbr will b noticed and could impact the value of the house.
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Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:07 pm

Re: Cut Trusses

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:13 pm

From your description of the trusses you have a right to be concerned.

You need two people on your side:
1) A structural engineer to review the trusses and to be able to design the appropriate repairs, or to be able to definitively state that what is being done is not acceptable.
2) A Public Adjuster to be on your side. The insurance adjuster for your insurance company IS NOT on your side, their entire purpose is to have the insurance company pay AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE, the Public Adjuster is on your side, they get a percentage of the amount of the claim, therefore they are not there to cut costs, they are there to find everything they can find and to get as much included as possible.

I would search in the Yellow Pages and online for the above two people - the sooner you get them working for YOU, the better you will be.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired
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