Here are the details:
3 story condo building in State of New Jersey - R2 use group, 2009 IBC New Jersey edition
Elevator being provided (3 stop) no basement - all 3 stories above grade plane.
According to 2009 IBC NJ chapter 30, 3002.4 a 24" x 84" ambulance stretcher must be able to fit in the car in "horizontal open position". In NJ, there is an additional section 3002.4.1 that reads "in ANY newly constructed multiple structure irregardless of building height" - the elevator shall meet the dimensional requirements above.
A 2,500 lb elevator is an industry standard for R2 use group under 4 stories. We have 3 stories and cannot find an elevator manufacture that makes a car fitting these dimensions unless it is a minimum of 4,000 lbs.
A 2500, 3000 and 3500 lb car has a clear interior dimension of 6'-8". The manufacturer has spec. literature that states 2,500 and 3,000 lb cars meet the NEII (National Elevator Industry,Inc) code requirements for stretcher requirements and when I spoke to them, they note the stretcher in a "tilted position".
How can this be??
How does the IBC define "horizontal open position"?
Please add any insight to this issue. Thank you.