Just took on the Safety Managers Job for my company. It's been neglected greatly and the building has been expanded re-arranged and modified throughout 40 years...I'm working my way from one side of the facility to the other when I came across the situation in the picture below.
There are two cords in question...the first is the cord that runs across the top of the disconnect located close to the floor with the locks on it. This is a 440 volt cable running from a step up trans former to the door opening seen on the right of the picture up the side of the opening and across the top. Its attached in two locations with plastic tie-straps to existing conduits. Then ran another 20 ft where the ends are terminated with Plugin sockets. Now the second flex cord coming out of the disconnect located close to the floor (with locks attached) and runs in parallel with the first cord mentioned.
Now First Question - I now the doorway is a violation but if the door was taken off would it still be considered a "door way"? And I know that the attachments with the tie-straps are a violations also, I've been argued with that they are only being used to keep the flex cord out the way not as a permanent condition. I responded "how many years have to past to be considered permanent"????
2nd question the gray box seen in the lower left of the picture is the step up trans former from 220 to 440 volts. What would be the labeling requirements (arc flash, current short...etc) for this type of ever It doesn't have and access panel...and power is controlled by the disconnect that is located close to the floor in the center of the picture with the locks on it.
Third and last question - Is there a clearance regulation for the transformer similar to lets say a disconnect panel?
Oh yes almost forgot the fire extinguisher is a clearance violation with the top breaker panel (the one with the orange warning signage) ....but is the stuff mounted to the right a violation or is it an exception to the rule situation?....
I guess we could use the picture as a "name that violation"
thanks and look forward to the responses I get...