by Jerry Peck - Codeman on Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:57 am
Somehow I missed seeing your post when I checked yesterday.
The best answer is: 'it depends".
If there is no mechanical equipment in the attic, the code addresses the "opening" ... and some (many) contractors lose whatever common sense they may have had when it comes to doing their work logically, or maube it's just the "easiest way", and the "easiest way" for the electrical contractor is to be able to set their ladder up "at" the "opening" and install the light fixture on the box sticking out into the space above "the opening".
Of course, though, they regret it the next time they go in the attic ... and break the light.
However, if there is mechanical equipment in the attic, the opening and pathway to/from the equipment needs to be large enough to fit the largest equipment through without disassembly of the equipment.
Common sense would click the light bulb in their brain on and they would mount the light so it doesn't project over the opening.
If only common sense was actually common.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired